my uterus is really cramping my style


The two week wait is probably one of the hardest parts for me while trying to conceive. I overthink every little bodily symptom that I may have from bloat to spotting. This month was especially hard because my cycle was not on a regular schedule due to our miscarriage last month AND taking progesterone. Since I did not know when my period was suppose to start, I counted out 14 days from the date I got a smiley on the ovulation test. In the past, my period would start 10 to 12 days after ovulation, but I was hoping that the progesterone suppositories would correct it to 14 days. That date came and no period and a negative pregnancy test. Three days later, no period and another negative home pregnancy test. Aunt Flo visited the day after I tested. My doctor did tell me that the progesterone could delay my period so do not get overly excited to have a late period until taking a pregnancy test. Honestly, I was a little bummed because I was hoping that we were going to be pregnant. The letdown lasted about 15 minutes when my period started and then I moved on to enjoy the wonderful life we are living. I contacted my doctor to let her know that my period began. She told me to stop using the progesterone suppositories until we ovulate again and she prescribed me Clomid to start five days into my cycle. Stay tuned for an update on Clomid. Happy Wednesday!

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